Report into the labour market and skill shortages impacting Wales
This document has been prepared by Grant Thornton to understand the potential labour marker gaps and skill issues that have resulted from a combination of the UK's exit from the European Union and Covid-19. April 2022
EU transition update
To provide an update on the latest position regarding the ending of the EU transition period and report on the materials produced by WLGA to assist local authorities in their preparations. November 2020
The impact of the EU transition on trade in Wales
The focus of this report centres around the impact on goods exports and the potential consequences for businesses when the UK leaves the Single Market and the Customs Union on the 31st December 2020. November 2020
Brexit update
This report provides an update on latest developments relating to Brexit and of relevance to local authorities. November 2019
Brexit update / Appendix
This report provides an update on work being undertaken by local authorities to prepare for the range of possible Brexit outcomes, including a no deal exit. September 2019
Brexit update
This report provides an overview of latest developments regarding Brexit and an update on both the challenges facing local authorities and the preparatory steps being taken. July 2019
Outcome report from WLGA delegation visit to Cornwall
This visit was organised with Cornwall Council to exchange views and intelligence on Local Government Brexit preparedness; the UK Government’s proposals for Fisheries, Agriculture and Rural Development; European relations post-Brexit; and current thinking on emerging proposals for regional development funding and policy (replacing EU funds). January/February 2019
Brexit update
This report provides an update on Brexit development generally, a bid submitted by WLGA on behalf of all LAs to the Welsh Government’s EU Transition Fund and a Brexit Preparedness Advisory Panel established between Welsh Government, WLGA and local authorities. February 2019
Brexit update and feedback from discussion at Partnership Council
The latest in a series of reports to WLGA Executive Board and Council. January 2019
Actions from WLGA delegation visit to Brussels
To provide Members with feedback from the WLGA’s delegation visit to Brussels and to outline key messages and actions from the discussions held. October 2018
Outcome report from NILGA delegation visit to Wales
A NILGA delegation of elected members and officers from ten Northern Ireland councils visited Wales at the invitation of the Welsh Local Government Association, to examine and bring back learning from the City & Growth Deal process that could be relevant to councils in Northern Ireland. The group also explored post-Brexit funding opportunities (including the replacement of EU funding), moves towards regional coordination of economic development in Wales and the role of councils in place-shaping. November 2018