Posts in Category: News

Councils and Natural Resources Wales secure innovative new working relationship 

Local authorities and Natural Resources Wales (NRW) have committed to pursuing a new partnership arrangement which will support enhanced collaboration and co-ordination in environmental matters. Councils and NRW work together on a range of common ... read more
Thursday, 07 February 2019 Categories: Environment, Waste & Biodiversity News

Wylfa Newydd delay “very worrying” for north Wales economy 

Responding to the announcement that plans for the Wylfa Newydd project on Anglesey are to be delayed, Cllr Rob Stewart (Swansea), WLGA Spokesperson for Economic Development and Energy, said: “This news today is very worrying for the economy... read more
Thursday, 17 January 2019 Categories: Economic Development, Planning, Transport & Regeneration News

Working together to protect cherished services 

A comment from our new Chief Executive, Dr Chris Llewelyn
As we step into 2019, and I step into my new role as Chief Executive of the Welsh LGA, it is instinctive to reflect and look ahead. The American author Hal Borland once said: “Year’s end is neither an end nor a beginning but a going on, with all... read more
Friday, 04 January 2019 Categories: News

WLGA congratulates new First Minister 

Congratulating Mark Drakeford AM on his confirmation as the new First Minister of Wales, WLGA Leader Councillor Debbie Wilcox (Newport) said: “On behalf of the WLGA and local government in Wales, I warmly congratulate Mark Drakeford AM on his... read more
Thursday, 13 December 2018 Categories: Local Democracy and Governance News

More support from local services essential to help prevent carers being pushed to breaking point 

More investment in local services is essential to help unpaid carers being pushed to breaking point amidst a surge in demand for care services and support, the WLGA has said today. A recent survey by Carers Wales shows that increasing demand for... read more
Wednesday, 05 December 2018 Categories: News Social Services

WLGA Statement: Announcement of Additional Resources for Councils 

The announcement of additional resources for local services across Wales follows productive discussions over the past month between Welsh Government and the WLGA. The Welsh Government committed to put councils at the “front of the queue” for... read more
Tuesday, 20 November 2018 Categories: Finance and Resources News

Working together to improve outcomes for children 

At a conference hosted by Welsh Government in Llandrindod Wells today based on ‘Improving Outcomes for Children’, professionals within children’s social care came together to discuss the range of challenges facing the sector. Attending the... read more
Thursday, 15 November 2018 Categories: News Social Services

‘Don’t leave rural Wales behind post-Brexit’, warn WLGA rural leaders 

Wales must not be placed at a competitive disadvantage in any future approaches to agricultural support, rural council leaders in Wales have warned. At a meeting in North Wales of the WLGA Rural Forum (comprised of nine of the 22 local... read more

Austerity continues for councils 

Councils in Wales are still examining the consequences of the UK budget. The WLGA has proposed the following measures to assist council tax payers across Wales. It is vital that more money is invested into core services especially schools, social... read more
Monday, 29 October 2018 Categories: Finance and Resources News

WLGA response to comments by the Cabinet Secretary for Local Government 

In response to comments by the Cabinet Secretary Alun Davies AM, Councillor Rob Stewart (Swansea). WLGA Deputy Leader said: “The remarks from the Cabinet Secretary are deeply unfortunate and inappropriate particularly bearing in mind that he is... read more
Wednesday, 24 October 2018 Categories: News

The Welsh Local Government Association (WLGA) represents the interests of local government and promotes local democracy in Wales.

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